My advance copy of my book came recently and I've been having the most fun showing it around!

It looks so much better as a book than as a file on my computer screen. LOL! I'm not quite sure when it will be available for purchase, though. Sometime between the middle of November and beginning of December.
I'm getting really excited right now because I'm headed to International Quilt Market this coming week. Sew much to do, but sew little time.
I'm going to be doing some demos at the Enmart booth #1365. Here's a fun blog interview:
I'll be taking lots of photos at Market so stay tuned in upcoming blog entries to see what's new and exciting in the quilt world (or maybe just the stuff that I think is new and exciting).
I'm getting really excited right now because I'm headed to International Quilt Market this coming week. Sew much to do, but sew little time.
I'm going to be doing some demos at the Enmart booth #1365. Here's a fun blog interview:
My Interview with Enmart
I'm also going to be creating a short video about my book. Keep your fingers crossed that I'll be able to accomplish that.......
I'll be taking lots of photos at Market so stay tuned in upcoming blog entries to see what's new and exciting in the quilt world (or maybe just the stuff that I think is new and exciting).
So exciting. A huge CONGRATULATIONS.