Showing posts with label block of the month. Show all posts
Showing posts with label block of the month. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Back in the Saddle and Looking Forward to 2023


Long time no see!  I'd like to say that I stopped blogging because of the Pandemic, but I dropped the ball back in 2019, so I don't think that excuse will fly.  LOL!  All I can say is that life got in the way and then I just got out of the habit of writing my blog.

I took a very lllllooooonnnnnnggggggg break, but now I'm ready to get back into blogging mode.

So, hello!  Let's start over together.

A lot has happened for me since 2019.  I bet you can say the same, huh?

New Job

First, let me tell you a little bit about my cool new job.  I am now a Virtual Assistant at Villa Rosa Designs,  I started this new job in 2021, after I left the library I had worked at for over 10 years.  

It was time for a change.  Starting a new job is always a bit scary, but I was more excited than scared about my career change.  Now I work from home, which is awesome -- my commute is only down the stairs to my office/studio dungeon in the basement.  I write patterns, do quilt diagrams, create quilt mock ups, write the weekly blog, do tutorials for the blog, and whatever other projects that come up.  Love my job.  I will say that working from home does have a few drawbacks, though.  I am now more physically available so I get more interruptions.  Sometimes it's hard to get to my work because home/family things get in the way.

New Pets

After losing all of our older/elderly cats during the Pandemic, all of a sudden we were the pet parents of one lonely cat, Pip.  I adopted a kitten in late 2021 and this year as in a couple months ago in 2022, we adopted a very energetic and sweet Shih Tzu puppy, Bailly.  We have a super active furry family now with a young cat and a 5 month old puppy, who by the way are about the same size, and Pip who is about as energetic as a snail.

Here are my furbabies:

This is Bailly in her Christmas dress!

Here's my boy, Griffin!

Here's my perfectly plump Pip!

New Books

In 2021, I tried something new -- self-publishing on Amazon.   Luckily, I had already written 3 books the traditional way and published them with craft book publishers, so I had a more-than-average understanding of the world of publishing.  Which was good, because writing, editing, and illustrating your own books takes time and patience.

My first self-published book:

Feed Sacks is a tribute to my love of vintage feed sacks.  I started collecting them a couple years ago and now I have a large growing collection, so it made sense to photograph the different patterns and designs.  Then I put over 1000 of them together in this book.  It's a great Look Book of feed sack designs and patterns along with sections containing historical information and where to find your own feed sacks.
You can buy my book HERE.

My second Feed Sack book will be out soon, which will have another 1400+ feed sack designs and patterns!  So stay tuned to early 2023.
My second self-published book:


I love planners, journals, and calendars!  So it wasn't a hard decision to create my very own Quilt Planner with blank weekly and monthly grids so people can start it when they want to.  But the coolest thing is that my Planner is also a Block of the Month project!  Woo-hoo!
You can buy my planner HERE

Well, I guess there's not much more to say right now except:

Happy New Year!

Image by callmetak on Freepik

Stop in next week for more information about a FUN event coming in January 2023........did anyone say Blog Hop???

Until next time --

Tricia, AKA The Orphan Quilter


Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Tricia's Favorite Quilt Blocks -- Block 11 FAR WEST

Oh my gosh!  I just realized that this is block 11.  Wow!  This project is fast coming to an end.  Then we'll have to start a new project.  I was thinking something with Christmas.  What do you think?

Our 11th block

Far West

It's actually called by several names (as most blocks are), but I decided to call it by its first name, Far West.  This block is attributed to Nancy Cabot.  Other names include Path and Stiles, Shoo Fly, and Stiles and Paths (according to EQ Blockbase).  You can definitely see its resemblance to our Shoo Fly block, but the center Nine Patch and the strips make it look entirely different.  That is one of the the things I love the most about quilting and designing -- by changing a few little things I can get an entirely new design.

Sew, let's get started making this block, which will finish at 12".

Here's What You Need:

Light -- 2 squares 4 7/8" x 4 7/8", 4 rectangles 1 7/8" x 4 1/2", and 4 squares 1 7/8" x 1 7/8"

Medium -- 4 rectangles 1 7/8" x 4 1/2" and 1 square 1 7/8" x 1 7/8"

Dark -- 2 squares 4 7/8" x 4 7/8" and 4 squares 1 7/8" x 1 7/8"

Let's Sew It Together:

1.  Layer a light 4 7/8" square with a dark 4 7/8" square.  Draw a diagonal line from one corner to the opposite corner.  Sew 1/4" on both sides of the drawn line.  Cut apart on the drawn line.  Open and press to yield 2 triangle squares.  Make 4 triangle squares.

2.  Sew 4 dark, 1 medium, and 4 light squares together into a little Nine Patch as shown.  Make 1.

3.  Sew a white rectangle on each side of a medium rectangle.  Make 4.

4.  Now that you've got all of the sections made, it's time to put them together, just like a Nine Patch block.

Well done!  Bravo!  Kudos!

Stay tuned for Block 12 coming soon and after that, I will provide instructions for my quilt layout which will measure 56" x 74".